Gulf Coast Therapy Works, LLC accepts credit/debit cards, cash, money order, and checks conditionally. Co-Pays are expected at check-in time before seeing the therapist. Non-covered patients are expected to pay in full before they are seen by the therapist.
We currently provide services for patients covered by the following: Blue Cross Blue Shield, All Kids, Aetna, Cigna, Optum United Health Care, Optum UMR, and Uprise (formerly IBH and/or American Behavioral).
**Please note that we do not take Medicaid or Medicare.**
**Pleasae note that many insurance carriers will not pay for marriage counseling.**
**We do not accept Tricare/Humana. Please contact your insurance for a recommendation.""
We currently provide services for patients covered by the following: Blue Cross Blue Shield, All Kids, Aetna, Cigna, Optum United Health Care, Optum UMR, and Uprise (formerly IBH and/or American Behavioral).
**Please note that we do not take Medicaid or Medicare.**
**Pleasae note that many insurance carriers will not pay for marriage counseling.**
**We do not accept Tricare/Humana. Please contact your insurance for a recommendation.""